Monday, May 30, 2011

Bard of Avon,

I read Twelfth Night in 8th grade with Ms. Gant. I didn't really care for it. I never really looked forward to that one Shakespeare book we were required to read each year. I guess it was because I honestly never knew what was going on; and Twelfth Night more than others. There were just too many characters and too much going on on the side for me to fully comprehend it. However, after this second read, I am comfortable saying that I get it now. This monologue wasn't that bad, I'm close to Viola's age, which always helps. It was my first Shakespeare comedy! I mean, I've done a little of As You Like It, which has the whole girl dressed up as a man thing in common, but that was only a short scene. Recording this wasn't that difficult. The monologue was relatively shorter and more straight-forward than that of Juliet. I only really fully recorded it twice and I stuck with the second. 

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